LA SB0620FP1

Chips for Light

LA SB0620FP1

Chips for Light

LA SB0620FP1

LED Chip, Standard Blue (455 - 467.5 nm) 20 X 6 mil


  • Highest Brightness InGaN chip
  • Grouping: radiant power
  • ESD sensitive device
  • Flipchip
Color Blue
Brightness 15 mW
WL/CCT 455 nm
Current 60 mA
Size 165 X 513 X 100
Lead Time 2 wks

Light Avenue Premium Edition LED series is designed for high performance consumer applications. Remarkable light extraction is reached by a particular volume emitting design.  It is possible to group this flip chip as narrow as possible without additional connecting wires on the PCB. The product can be soldered with a classical reflow process as well.